Saturday, 19 January 2013

Weekly Personal Finance Blog RoundUp ? 1/18/2013 | Weekly Top 12


Is it Friday already? ?My wife?s family is in town today, so I took the day off from work and are just relaxing. ?They are all excited to see our son, so I will get some time to nap and catch up on some things that have sorely needed my attention. ?Have I mentioned that having a baby is hard work? ?I know I don?t have to say that to current parents, but dang, I never even imagined. ?Oh well, I have to keep going, so I will!

This week has been pretty good here at Debt Roundup. ?My readership is increasing ever so slightly each and every week. ?I like progress, so I am not complaining. ?I am close to hitting my 4th month of blogging here and I can say that I have enjoyed every moment of it, so thank you everyone that has stopped by and those that have shared my posts. ?Not only am I blogging here, but I finally got my first blog post published this week. ?If you haven?t done so already check out my post on Modest Money called ?Treating Your Savings Like A Monthly Bill?. ?A lot of people enjoyed the post, so I am happy about that. ?There will be more guest posts to come as long as I can find the time.

Well, enough of my rambling, let?s get on to the roundup. ?I hope you enjoy and have a great weekend everyone!

Website of the Week

A lot of you were happy when I started the WOTW last week, so I am happy to say that this will be here to stay.

Weekly Personal Finance Blog RoundUp ? 1/18/2013 round up 2 WorkSaveLive

Jason from WorkSaveLive impresses me each and every week. ?I enjoy his content and attitude toward personal finance. ?WorkSaveLive has a small team of writers that can keep you thinking with every article. ?Jason also just introduced a free e-course called ?How to Become Rich?. ?I know everyone has a desire to become rich, so why not take advantage of Jason?s kindness and learn it free! ?If you haven?t done so already, check out WorkSaveLive.


I am co-hosting two great giveaways that allow you to cash in for the new year. ?Don?t forget to enter to win. ?Everyone loves the chance to win cash!

$1000 Cash Giveaway

$100 Cash Giveaway


I was included in 3 great Carnivals this week.

  1. Carnival of MoneyPros hosted by Master the Art of Saving.
  2. Yakezie Carnival hosted by Narrow Bridge Finance.
  3. Carnival of Financial Camaraderie hosted by My University Money.

I was mentioned by The Frugal Farmer in their?10 Blog Posts You Need to Read if You Want to be Debt Free.

Weekly Top 12

Wow, what a week in the personal finance community. ?There were so many great reads this week that I don?t even know where to begin. ?I enjoy reading a lot of articles throughout the week, but I realized that I might be overwhelming readers with my recommendations week in and week out. ?Since I am a little out there sometimes, I am going to start doing my ?Weekly Top 12?! ?It is like Letterman?s ?Top 10? list, but I like to buck the trend. ?Who needs another top 1o list? ?I am going with the Weekly Top 12, so HA! ?Here we go?..

  1. The Mighty ?10 Rule? ? Budgets are Sexy
  2. Learning to Live on One Income ? Modest Money
  3. Debt Is Like Quicksand ? Bible Money Matters
  4. Using Credit as an Emergency Fund is a Bad Idea ? Saving Advice
  5. Should I Invest in Mutual Funds or ETFs? ? Frugal Rules
  6. Why You Should NOT Open a Credit Card for the Rewards ? ReadyForZero
  7. Horrific Financial Advice from the New York Times?- Club Thrifty
  8. Financial Baby Steps For Your Baby ? Our Freaking Budget
  9. Do You Prefer Instant Or Delayed Gratification? ? Money Beagle
  10. Out of Debt ? Now What Do You Do? ? Stumble Forward
  11. The Downsides to Common Frugal Tips ? One Smart Dollar
  12. Chores and Money Lessons Growing Up ? Canadian Budget Binder

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About the Author: Grayson

I am an average Joe, who built up over $50,000 worth of credit card debt and had to learn how to break it back down. It took 4 years of learning budgets, secrets, and many other personal finance tricks in order to cut the debt to $0. Now, I push to teach others the tips and tricks in order to live a debt free lifestyle. There are many ways to get out of debt, but the first step is to stop spending more than you make. Once you create a budget, it will be time to get frugal. Feeling Social? Connect with me on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.


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