Saturday, 26 May 2012

JB Williams ? Reform ? Making Illegal Immigration Legal ? CITIZEN ...

Governments have never been known to reform themselves and the current debate over immigration reform is no different than the notion that government will cut spending and clip its own wings. By reform, D.C. politicians mean, to make that which is currently illegal, legal.

Lawmakers have been stopped from passing amnesty for millions of illegal aliens living in America. But they have not been forced to enforce our immigration and naturalization laws and even when Border States attempt to enforce those laws, the federal government sues the state on behalf of illegal immigrants.

In a current piece issued by the Census Bureau, titled Minorities now surpass whites in US births, Bureau racial statistics chief Roderick Harrison states ? ?This is an important landmark.? ? ?This generation is growing up much more accustomed to diversity than its elders.?

Of course, most of those ?minorities? are in the United States illegally. This is of no great concern to Harrison. But what does concern Harrison is this ? ?We remain in a dangerous period where those appealing to anti-immigration elements are fueling a divisiveness and hostility that might take decades to overcome,? Harrison said.

For several years now, Americans have been wrongly accused of being ?anti-immigration? just because they want their immigration and naturalization laws to be enforced. But calling someone anti-immigration because they oppose illegal immigration is akin to calling them anti-banking because they oppose bank robbery.

Like many sniveling liberals today, Harrison completely ignores the fact that we are talking about criminals here, people who have broken into our country illegally and make a career out of flouting our laws and undermining American sovereignty and security. Harrison is not at all concerned with these facts, he is instead worried about Americans ?hostility? towards illegal invaders, as if Americans oppose immigration altogether.

America is an immigrant nation. But we are also a civilized society of laws. Under the false claim that Americas immigration and naturalization laws are just too stringent and unfair, progressives like Harrison spread false notions to support their call for immigration reform, otherwise known as blanket amnesty for all illegals and the end to American sovereignty and security.

Which unfair immigration and naturalization requirements should we get rid of???


via JB Williams ? Reform ? Making Illegal Immigration Legal.

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