Sunday, 3 February 2013

Head Start Works!!!

Early Head Start and Head Start programs offer more than early childhood education and child care. We also provide comprehensive family support services which include medical, mental and oral health, nutrition, services to children with disabilities, social services, family engagement opportunities including parent trainings, governing board membership and volunteer opportunities. What sets Head Start programs apart from other early learning programs is our focus on the entire family leading to improved education, health and self sufficiency outcomes. Head Start of Shawnee Mission staff meet with families to determine families strengths and weaknesses and set family goals related to school readiness and self sufficiency.

I am proud to share with you some of the success stories of our families who have met their goals.?

  • An Early Head Start parent of three children who?moved to Kansas from Puerto?Rico set a goal to obtain her teaching certificate.? In December she greeted her Family ?Educator with her teaching certificate in hand. She was so excited to have accomplished her goal! Now her new goal is to find a teaching position!
  • ?Another mother established a goal to obtain a degree and a job in the medical field. She graduated last May, obtained an internship at the Health Partnership Clinic and is now working there full?time.
  • The parents of a child enrolled in our Part-Day/Part-Year?program were both going to school. The mother graduated with her LPN degree in December, with plans to work full time and eventually complete her RN degree, and her husband will graduate from aviation school in June!
  • ?A mother of two children in our program has been attending Parent Involvement events and a recent parent training event in Topeka. She was one?of three parents chosen out of the entire state of Kansas to travel to Washington DC with the Kansas Head?Start Association. She just passed her Citizenship test and will soon be sworn in. And she just started a new job and has offered to volunteer her time to our program if we need a parent at any event!
  • One single mother of a little boy in our program received her nursing degree, secured full time employment and purchased a? home! She has since married and had another child, is still working and?continually advocates for Head Start of Shawnee Mission whenever she can.
  • ?Our holiday adoption program paid it forward?this year, when a former Head Start parent and her two daughters adopted? one of our enrolled families for the holidays.
  • We have a mother who received a scholarship from? the Johnson County Young Matrons. She is a fashion design student and is volunteering her time at Safehome to help women ?dress for success? and update their wardrobes by utilizing the ?clothing closet? that they have on site.

These amazing parents and their success are proof that Head Start works!


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